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Living Earth Action Group

To find out what we can do to help bring our living planet back to health, and to do it.


About Living Earth Action Group

Since February 2017, our core group has met in circle most Fridays at the Westminster West Church, in each other's gardens, or on Zoom, to explore ways of knowing and acting that will bring us into healthy community with ourselves, our fellow humans and the life of our Mother Earth.

 We have studied Water Cycles, Soil Health, Beavers, Composting, Pollinators and Native Plants, Children in Nature, Regenerative Agriculture, Land Conservation, Native American Wisdom, Harms of Glyphosate ("RoundUp"), and many more topics. We have put on hundreds of programs, all free and open to the public.

Our newsletter, the Living Earth News, is published about twice a month.


Working Towards Common Goals

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Current Topics

Water and Healthy Soil

By studying and taking action to protect water and healthy soil, we can help ensure that these precious gifts of Nature will continue to support all of us for generations to come. We’ve facilitated presentations and discussions on regenerative agriculture, restoring land water cycles, urine diversion, composting, mycorrhizal fungus, permaculture, and the deadly impact of herbicides.

Advocating for Native Plants and Wildlife

We continue to advocate for a paradigm shift in the ways we humans interact with forests, trees, native plants, and the protection of our wildlife. This includes drawing on the wisdom of our indigenous Abenaki community.”,


Short-sighted agricultural and logging practices have skimmed the wealth off of our land for generations. The time to change harmful practices is now.

Image by Elaine Casap

Planning Circle

​Currently consisting of 8 dedicated volunteers who include Caitlin Adair, Cheryl Charles, Michael Daley, Jessie Haas, Alison Latham, David Mulholland, Guy Payne, and Sue Venman, the Planning Circle meets weekly on Fridays between 5-6:30 pm in person at the Westminster West Congregational Church, by ZOOM or in one of our nearby gardens. Gathering, we share companionship, snacks, and news of our personal discoveries about whatever aspects of our Living Earth presently engage our individual passions. Some of these intimate circle meetings are open to the public, some are only for planning purposes. Out of this sharing is born a selection of what we think would be most urgent and beneficial to offer to our wider community to help others further their own actions toward healing our planet by healing the very land beneath our feet. Do you share our passion? Do you have an idea for a program? Contact any planning circle member for details about our next upcoming Community Circle.

Community Circle

 Once a month, sometimes twice a month, in person or via ZOOM we provide special programs to reach out to all our neighbors and near neighbors. These programs are always open to everyone and almost always free of charge. They are chosen to broaden and deepen our understanding of the Web of Life and our place within it. Our goal is always to provide positive information that will inspire people to take personal action that will benefit our community, the Earth, and all our relations.

“Deciding to Act May Take a While; Much Longer Than the Action Itself.”

― Danielle Wengraf

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